
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jolla community together jolla com A peek in after a month is a portal between Jollas customers, app developers and the sailors working at Jolla. It was taken into use at 12-Dec-2013, and after a month in use Jolla phone owners have found it as a welcome and a well used service. More than 2500 questions are posted, and more than 1500 of them have at least one answer. Adding all the answers and comments there are more than 16 000 posts so far.

Jolla has developed the portal further by adding a Jolla logo to all the members working at Jolla, and currently they are welcoming some more moderators from the user side. Users have done their best avoiding duplicate posts and tags, but as there are many of us, theres some cleaning to do all the time. Were doing it together, and in my overall experience the portal is working somewhat great, but it can always get better.

Most important issues (TOP10, lifted up by the users) in the beginning have been:
  1. Differentiate native SailfishOS and Android apps in Jolla store
  2. Landscape mode in keyboard, gestures, browser and messages
  3. Support for CalDav-based calendars (e.g. Google Calendar)
  4. Offline turn by turn navigation in Maps
  5. mms - multimedia message [closed]
  6. After screen time out, return to last active app
  7. Folder support in app launcher
  8. Add possibility to configure what is shown on the lock screen
  9. Cover-action on settings app
  10. WiFi tethering [closed]
Jolla is responding to their users wishes, and most of the requests above (and many others) are already roadmapped by Jolla. A roadmap tag is added to the questions by Jolla after they have taken the issue under development. Only 3 of the top10 questions are still waiting for a solution:
  • #4 (Jollas answer: Were thinking about it)
  • #8 (Jollas answer: Good explanation why it is the way it is, but still looking into this)
  • #9 (Jollas answer actually seems like its roadmapped, but for some reason it isnt)
If you have a Jolla phone but you havent joined this portal yet, I recommend doing so. Not only to get your questions answered (either by Jolla or other users), but also to be in the heart of this unlike community. We Do It Together (DIT) and we welcome everybody along.

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