
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Apple sued for 2 Billion in Germany

Apple has been sued for $2 Billion by the German company, IPCom, due to alleged patent infringements.

The patent is for mobile phones giving priority to emergency calls over a cellular network. IPCom purchased the patent from Robert Bosch, a German automobile parts maker.

Seeing as this technology has existed in mobile phones for a long time, and virtually every phone uses the feature, its hard to see IPCom as having a real shot at getting an amount anywhere near what theyre asking for in the lawsuit. It seems to be a very obvious case of patent trolling, which is heavily practiced in the consumer technology space.

This isnt the first time, however, that this patent has been brought up in courts. Nokia has also been sued by IPCom, along with other cell phone manufacturers. HTC, Vodafone, Ericsson, Nokia, and Apple have all previously attempted to get this patent deemed invalid by the European Patent Office.

IPCom demands $2.12 Billion from Apple for the patent infringement. Apple hasnt been reached for comment on the lawsuit, but the Cupertino-based companys legal team probably isnt sweating bullets.

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