
Friday, March 21, 2014

Chrome OS and Android are Ace r

The demise of the home computer has been quite amazing, in the last few years Chromebooks has outsold traditional laptops under $299 on Acer lost money and Microsoft have seen limp sales of its not so hard OS Windows 9.

Confidence in Windows has rescinded some what, leaving a gap for Google to start to make room for itself. 

While I have played with Chromebooks at the Google campus during Google I/O this year, it did have a brilliant user experience however it does miss some vital functionality which makes it hard to make the leap off my Laptop (which runs Windows 8 - I admit it.) 

To Fix Chromebook, Google need to add :-

  1. Support for local Network - Most people have SAN or NAS devices, could we have a native method of browsing please.
  2. Flash - Yes you heard me, FLASH, you know the Adobe platform of yesterday which most sites still seem to use. 
  3. Additional Storage Options - I would like a bigger hard disk, hey stop laughing, disk !
  4. Merge some Android Apps into the OS.

Just for starters, a simple 1,2,3 and 4 and Id be sold. 

Microsoft are struggling to pimp its wares and its shoddy Xbox One release shows how out of touch the company is these days. They could go the way Sony did some years ago and lose its golden egg, Sony was slow to respond to Walkman soft sales, and look what happened to them. Could Google about to lay a new egg and serve it with Bacon ?!

Acer have today said they will start to focus more on Chromebooks and Android in placement of its Windows long term strategy. The companys reported consolidated revenue was $2.97 billion, down 2.8 percent for the quarter or down 19.2 percent for the year. Its operating loss was $20.35 million, which is no small beans. Chrome is already making 3% of Acers shipments of PCs are a relatively low price point, Jim Wang has said "Android is very popular in smartphones and dominant in tablets," he added. "I also see a new market there for Chromebooks."

Good luck to em I say !

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