
Monday, July 4, 2016

Businesses across Asia Pacific discover value with Google Maps APIs

For the last decade, we’ve been helping businesses make the most of maps with Google Maps APIs. Whether it’s helping Allstate give their customers location information so they can deliver better service, or DHL Same Day a view into where their couriers travel to ensure things arrive on time, we know that companies put their information onto a customized Google Map to see real business value.

To understand more about this value and how businesses are using maps, we commissioned some research into how businesses in the Asia Pacific region use Google Maps APIs. The new report “More Than Pins on a Map” has found that 94 percent of businesses that use Maps APIs have seen real business improvements, 50 percent boosted customer satisfaction and 40 percent improved productivity.

Key findings from the report include:

There’s new revenue to be found with Maps

Almost a third of businesses said Google Maps had delivered over $100,000 of value since implementation. This includes a New Zealand airline that created a service to help customers with airport transfers. They pulled information from 20 different taxi services and used Google Maps APIs to provide customers fast facts about driving conditions and transportation options so they could plan their route more easily.

One map leads to another

Companies typically introduce Google Maps with a specific purpose in mind — to show customers their store locations, or to track their assets — but they often find maps can be useful in other parts of their business. For example, a government department in Australia first turned to maps to visualize data points on a map but soon realised they could use Google Maps APIs to bring more data management in-house and cut out a third party. This means less coordination and allows them to push data live within one day rather than waiting a week.

Maps give customers power

An online auto marketplace changed the way it runs its business after discovering Google Maps could help customers locate the best car deal in the shortest time. They created a trip planner tool that integrates with Google Maps and helps customers plan the most efficient route to cars at various dealerships.

Maps can save dollars and lives

Whether an executive’s job is on the line or employees are literally saving lives, it’s critical for teams to work at top efficiency. A disaster management software provider uses Google Maps to investigate ambulance delays. Using real-time data, the company monitored delays longer than 20 minutes and the root-cause of the delay. They found that often these delays occurred because employees weren’t using Google Maps, which takes into account traffic conditions and typography to find the best route.

Maps help employees communicate

Google Maps can help departments communicate with one another more clearly by putting technical information on a map. A telecommunications company in Australia once updated teams about network outages via lists. Out of context, these lists did not simply convey the extent of outages and led to confusion. Now outages are visualized on a Map, so the staff has access to real-time contextualized information that makes it much easier to assess the business impacts.

Whether you’re looking to introduce new revenue streams, improve your customers’ experience or boost productivity, putting your information on a map with Google Maps APIs can help. To find out more and learn how Google Maps APIs may be useful for your business download the new white paper.

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